Here you can find comprehensive
Know How for Thermal Air Cleaning.
Beginning with the concept of a post combustion plant up to
the realization, being a normal delivery or a turn-key project
- we are active with our partners to serve our customers needs.
Our delivery program consists
Thermal Recuperative Oxidizers ( TO)
Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTO)
Catalytic Recuperative Oxidizers (RekuKAT/ CatOx)
Zeolithe Adsorptive Air Cleaning (ZAR) in combination
with a small RTO or TO
Heat recovery
This is our capacity:
Judging of exhaust air systems at printing, coating and painting
Selection of the optimum oxidizing system
Delivery, erection and commissioning of an air cleaning system
Lifting up of the solvent concentration in the exhaust air for
energy saving
Selection of additional heat exchangers for heating up fresh
air, warm water, steam or thermal oil
Upgrading of existing exhaust air cleaning systems for economy
improvement or raising the volume of exhaust air
Maintenance and service of delivered exhaust air cleaning plants